The European Water Framework Directive adopted by the European Union in December 2000 has finally established standardized, valid environmental objectives to preserve surface and groundwaters in all member states. The main focus is the sustainable conservation of resources and the ecological functionality of waters in Europe. The natural diversity of plants and animals in the waters, their unadulterated shape and water conditions, and the natural quality of surface and groundwater are considered as a reference. The protection of water is a public task, so public participation has top priority. All schools involved are located next to a river or near a river system, and students and teachers have already made observations and experiences on the river. We would like to take this as a starting point and observe the ecosystem river from many sides, especially from a scientific perspective. Concrete observations of animals and plants in and around the river, the individual, independent collection of information on site, excursions with experts such as botanists and ornithologists will lead to an intense experience and will be the basis for knowledge and later on attitudes. We want the students to become motivated to do research, to plan simple experiments by themselves, to carry out and document them and to recognize scientific interrelations. They should also recognize that changes such as interferences on the river bank, impoundment of the river, impact of tourism or the contamination of water affect the whole ecosystem, but measures such as sewage treatment and renaturation have a positive effect on the system and that biodiversity is the basis for a balanced ecosystem. This basic knowledge and insight into the complexity of the river ecosystem will later enable them to participate in decision-making processes. Protecting the water ecosystem is not just a regional task. Through the exchange of information, and especially through the transnational meetings, they will find out that the ecosystems are different in geology, geography, flora and fauna, but also changed by humans and that it must be protected by human interventions. We hope that through the chosen method of working, students with learning and language problems can also be motivated for the project work. We will adapt the corresponding work assignments to their abilities and needs and provide assistance with language problems. As part of the transnational meetings, the participants will learn about the culture of the partner countries, expand their language skills and expand their knowledge through joint project-related activities and recognize the need for cooperation within Europe.