Lenggries and The Isar




Lenggries is a village, characterized by agriculture, trade and tourism and the river Isar has always been important for the region. Previously, wood and other goods were transported along the wild river to Munich and Vienna. To protect the flood plains, a dam was constructed to drain the water. This measure has changed the river and its meadows. Today it is important for tourism. Therefore, it is attempted to preserve something of its original nature and keep the water clean. Locals and tourists enjoy the beauty of the flood plain but especially animals are in danger, being disturbed in their natural environment.


Our school is a middle school (secondary) with 220 pupils aged 10 to 16 years. They are taught by 20 teachers, who are supported by a support teacher and a social worker. Students from 13 to 15 will take part in the project.

Our school has already taken part in three Comenius school partnerships and has coordinated two of them. In addition, we have participated in eTwinning projects and have been awarded with a “Europa Urkunde” (European Certificate) by the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Culture in Munich, for our commitment. We have presented our projects as part of trainings at the level of our school district and on the Europe Day at the Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management in Dillingen to motivate other schools to participate. The two key persons participated in an Erasmus + KA1 action (language course / method course) in the current year and also applied for further courses. They also participated in a training program at the state institute for school quality and educational research for the application and implementation of Erasmus + programs.


 »Isartal, du bist mei Freud, da geht ma ´s Herz auf mächtig weit, wann i in de Berg neischau, de all mi grüaßn freundli blau!«  

Projects at MS-Lenggries


To learn more about hydropower, we visited the power plant in Walchensee with students and teachers. This power station uses the gradient of Kochelsee (lake) and Walchensee (lake) to generate energy. We got a tour at the power plant and found out that parts of the Isar-water is taken from the headwaters to feed the energy production in the Walchensee power plant as well.


Teachers from the the participating schools got the possibility to have a tour through the Mühlfeld-brewery in Bad Tölz on the Isar.

Besides finding out interesting facts about the brewing process, the guide described the importance of the Isar for the brewing economy in Bad Tölz in the past.

Bad Tölz used to have dozens of breweries and used to provide Munich with beer. Beer could not be stored in Munich before the invention of the cooling plant. Bad Tölz however had perfectly cooled beer cellars. That's why Bad Tölz was an important beer supplier for Munich. The beer was transported with rafts on the Isar.



-Walk to the banks of the Isar river and meeting the guide who tells the students about main facts on the river such as its spring and mouth

- Walk through the meadows and getting to know the willows, flowers and herbs. Touching and smelling.

- Observation of a special bird on the river who is an indicator of high water quality.

- Collecting little insects and microorganisms and observe it under the bug eye viewer, find out about the nutrition of the birds

- Testing the stones of the river and its lime consistent with hydrochloric acid, explanation why there are different types of stones although the river spring is in mountains of limestone-rocks.



In November 2017 we started our photo-competition for our Erasmus-river-calendar.

Student's can take pictures and send them to an extra E-Mail address. The best photographers will win a Döner-voucher!

For the classroom showcases the students collected different stones and leaves, took pictures and reactivated their knowledge in class to display the information in written form in the classroom.

Fish in the Isar:

Before we will have an expert about the fish of the Isar at our school, students of fifth grade did an internet-enquiry on the fish and collected the Information on a Power-Point slide. For most it was the first time to work with Power Point and it was great fun to find out different ways of displaying Information with Power Point.

Erasmus Wall:


Our Erasmus wall at the main entrance informs our students, staff and visitors about recent projects.


Ecosystem  River - approached by observation and experience

Geiersteinstraße 11

83661 Lenggries


Fon +49 8042 9149411


Partner Schools

Mittelschule Lenggries



Osnovna skola Brsadin



Anyksciai Antanas  Baranauskas basic School



Scoala Gimnaziala "Andrei Saguna"
